Throughout the entire Track there are 27 interpretive signs. They are key to relaying important and interesting information to you in an attractive and exciting visual display. They show you information on the flora, fauna, biodiversity and sustainability of the Track, as well as the history of the Heartbreak Hills, Cores and Links Reserve, bushfire and Hancock Victoria Plantations’ involvement, management, contribution to the Track and the surrounding land.
Sponsor an interpretive sign
For a contribution of $1,000 individuals, businesses and community groups can become a sponsor of the Grand Strzelecki Track. This contribution will provide the sponsor for the life of their chosen interpretive sign for a minimum of 10 years. Your name, business or community group and a link to you will be placed on the interpretive sign and on this page. Visitors can connect with you via your links.
Contact us for further information.
Interpretive signs available for sponsorship

Sticky Wattle located in Macks Creek (Macks Creek Loop)
Damp Forest located on West Face Track (Mount Tassie Loop)
Cool Temperate Rainforest located on Wild Cherry Track (Macks Creek Loop)
Bushfire located at Goombala Road and Mountain Hickory Track (Tarra Valley Loop and Park-To-Park)
Interpretive signs already sponsored

Wet Forest sponsored by ‘Fernholme’ Tarra Valley Caravan Park. – Cabin and camping accommodation.
The Heartbreak Hills sponsored by Tarra Bulga Guest House and Lyrebird Cafe
South Gippsland Spiny Cray sponsored by Hedley Range Services – Environmental restoration specialist.

Slender Tree Fern sponsored by Philip Davis MP.
Short-beaked Echidna sponsored by Lewis McNaughton Pty Ltd.
Recovering rainforest sponsored by Mirboo North and District Community Bank – Bendigo Bank.

Powerful Owl sponsored by Peter Ryan MP.
Platypus sponsored by Russell Northe MLA.
Plantation species sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holdings (HVP).

Pest plants and animals sponsored by Hedley Range Services – Environmental restoration specialist.
Managing plantations to protect sensitive areas sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holding (HVP).
Land Management Cooperative Agreement sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holding (HVP).

Koala sponsored by Sign Torque – Signwriters (Sale).
Koala management on HVPs’ forest estate sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holding (HVP).
HVP Plantations’ contribution to the Grand Strzelecki Track sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holding (HVP).

Heathy Woodland sponsored by Toms Cap Vineyard – Vineyard, restaurant, accommodation, weddings and functions.
Giant Mountain Ash sponsored by Merriman’s Creek Land Care Group.
Eucalypt seed orchards sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holdings (HVP).

Short-beaked Echidna sponsored by Lewis McNaughton Pty Ltd.
Cores and Links Reserve sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holdings (HVP).
Biodiversity in plantations sponsored by Hancock Victorian Plantations Holdings (HVP).

Billys Creek Weir sponsored by Hedley Range Services – Environmental restoration specialist.
Balm Min-bush sponsored by John Leslie OBE (Dec.).